Tarot Neocolonial de las Américas: Ace of Cups

When I realized that I would be spending a significant amount of time in Rhode Island, I began looking for a deck that reflected the spirit of the state. My go to deck for California is the Gaian Tarot and I wanted something that fit Rhode Island as well as that deck fits California. I spent a lot of time searching for the perfect deck. I even expanded my deck to all of New England and still nothing. I searched for Salem decks and nothing.

It was only that Yemaya started calling to me in Rhode Island that I realized that New England is all about colonialism. It was in Massachusetts that the Wampanoag people met the pilgrims and then were decimated. And Rhode Island had the largest slave trade in the colonies at one point in time. It began coming into focus for me that I wasn’t going to find a pretty little deck of oceans and trees to represent Rhode Island, I was going to find a hard core deck that was going to take me to places that hurt.

I’m choosing to read with this deck for July 2023 as I’m realizing that I can’t celebrate the 4th of July anymore. It is no longer about patriotism for me as I realize that our founding fathers were fighting for freedom for white men while enslaving others. I’m also seeing the giant step back that our country is taking by taking away abortion rights and threatening LGBT rights.

First Impressions: My first impression of this card is that it isn’t about water at all. The standard Ace of Cups has water flowing out of the cup, but this cup is covered as if the water is being protected.

Guidance: It is time to follow our heart


Following my heart is so hard because my heart wants to research, to meditate, and to live a life of the spirit and heart and not a life of money. However, money makes the world go round so I’m stuck working at a job that i don’t really like that sucks all of my time and energy away from the things that really matter to me. In my perfect world, I would have time to meditate, to read, to study, and not have to make time for those things in between work.

I don’t even know how to get to the life that I want. I know that I am extraordinarily good at my job, but the big part of why I am good at my job is that I give so much of myself to it. I give my heart and soul to help other people and I really sacrifice a lot to make this work. I need to figure out how to not give so much of myself for work. I need to figure out how to have time for my dog and my kids and the things that matter to me.

Where I’m At: Today was our OCM synch and it was actually awesome to have Alex participate, he brought a new dimension tour synch and really helped us to see what was going on in his space. It was actually a really great meeting as we all learned a lot from each other and made the connections we need to keep moving forward. I also had a conversation with S. and P about that stupid monstrosity that the team created and the fact that we need to make sure we only meet deliverables and not go out of our way to do other stuff. I had dinner after work with S. and P. and it was actually nice to hang out with those guys.

Weather: It was a beautiful day outside today.

Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 0%

Sunrise / Sunset: 5:24 / 8:18


I’m grateful for my team
I”m grateful for having Alex in our meetings
I’m grateful for the beautiful weather
I’m grateful for S. and P. listening to my concerns
I’m grateful for the nice dinner
I’m grateful for the beautiful weather
I’m grateful for the great presentations and learnings

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