Tarot of the Trance: Magician

This deck was one of the decks offered at the NorthStar Tarot Conference. I decided not to buy it then, but it kept calling to me so I ended up purchasing it.

First Impressions: This magician looks sad as if she is confused by her own power

Guidance: Sense of responsibility


The magician gets shit done through his own power and his ability to make the right connections. This is who I am at work. I manage to connect people and make things happen that other people might not be able to. I use my creativity and my force of will to bring people together and change things.

The problem is that because I am so on at work and so dynamic, that I feel like I’m losing the inner me. Sometimes it is hard for me to just sit and be because I am so used to always doing things. There never seems to be time to sit and meditate or to take time to just be quiet. I really hate that I haven’t been able to grow anything this year because I’m always traveling and always on the go.

I think this is part of the reason that I feel as if my mind is constantly on the go. When I do have downtime at work, it feels weird and as if I can’t function because I am used to doing 10 things at once.

Where I’m At: I’m at home today. I got up about 8 and went to the Farmer’s Market and bought all sorts of good things to eat. The Mennonite Farmers had the tiny cucumbers that I love so I got some of those, so yummy onions, and some amazing ground beef. I stopped at Dave’s on the way home and got some good olive oil so I could make a yummy salad.

The kids took off for CIncinnati when I got home as they are going to King’s Island which means I have the house all to my self. Well, along with the dogs. I love having the house to myself as I can putter, read, watch TV, and do absolutely anything that I want to do without having to be there for other people. It is also nice to just have the house be quiet.

I got my paper written for school and I’ve been researching cemeteries for my cemetery project. It is just nice to not have anything to do for work or for other people. OF course, there is always housework to do, but I’m going to choose not to spend today doing it.

Weather: It is absolutely beautiful out today. I spent some time sitting outside reading because the doggos wanted to go out.

Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 81%

Sunrise / Sunset: 6:23 / 8:40


I’m grateful for the yummy produce at the farmer’s market
I’m grateful for lemonade dude
I’m grateful the kids got to King’s Island safely
I’m grateful for the house to myself
I’m grateful for finding my tarot cards
I’m grateful for air conditioning
I’m grateful for snuggling with the doggos

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