Tarot of the Trance: Queen of Wands

This deck was one of the decks offered at the NorthStar Tarot Conference. I decided not to buy it then, but it kept calling to me so I ended up purchasing it,

First Impressions: I actually love this card as she looks so empowered and she is standing as if she is playing air guitar. That is the thing that strikes me about this card. Not sure why, but it makes me smile.

Guidance: Having trust in the flow of happenings


I love the way that this is worded. It is such a good reminder to go with the flow and to remember that things all happen for a reason. There are times I really hate that saying, especially as I am reading about slavery and I cannot believe that slavery happened for any reason except for pure evil. However, I guess I have to take the go with the flow out of the realm of the macro and into the ream of the micro and think about the flow of my life.

I think the part of having trust in the flow of happenings that this quote ignores is the reminder that I can control the flow of happenings. I have agency and I can make things happen. I have to learn to trust that when I work to change the flow of things, I am working to change them for good. I will be honest and say that there are times when I feel as if I am too much of a control freak and I should just let things go. However, I do know that I have made a difference on this project, so I’m going to continue doing what I’m doing.

I’m also realizing that the long pole that the QOW has is to steer herself in the currents. Even though she may not be able to totally alter destiny, she does have the ability to steer and guide.

Where I’m At: The morning started early with Staff meeting, then a bunch of other meetings. Most of them were not notable, but I do want to commend my boss for reminding people about the need to do As is and CIA. The only really weird thing about today is that G. said she wasn’t going to be on Teams today. I’m a little bit worried about her.

After work, we ate left over chili, then headed to the Barbie movie. It exceeded expectations because it so perfectly explained what it was like to be a woman today. The inability to please anyone, the need to be perfect, the need to keep the peace, the need to look after everyone and the need to be responsible for men’s behavior. It is all so much bullshit, but men truly believe that we are their mommies and I for one am sick of it. It just feels like other people need to own their lives and not think that other people are responsible for their bad behavior.

It was nice to see so many women in the movie and it was so nice to go with Clam. We haven’t gone to a movie or anything together in quite a while.

Weather: It was an absolutely beautiful day outside today and the evening was nice and clear.

Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 89%

Sunrise / Sunset: 6:22 /8:42


I’m grateful for H. reminding people of the need to do As is and CIA
I’m grateful for the good conversation about testing
I’m grateful for men who believe the Barbie movie is important
I’m grateful I live in a nice area of town
I’m grateful for snuggly puppies
I’m grateful for yummy chili
I’m grateful for a quiet week with no drama

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