Tarot of the Trance: Ace of Wands

This deck was one of the decks offered at the NorthStar Tarot Conference. I decided not to buy it then, but it kept calling to me so I ended up purchasing it,

First Impressions: I love this card and the fact it looks like the wand is between two blue eyes. These cards are funky and really make me think.

Guidance: Great possibilities for self development


This is an interesting card to pull for where I am today. It feels as if I am so exhausted and so tired. It is as if there is nothing left of me and as if all my energy goes into work. I use all my creative spark to make things better at work, but I have no time or energy for me. I do make sure to carve out time for school, but other than that all my energy goes for things I really don’t care about.

I need to figure out how to carve out more of my life for me. I don’t really know how to do that as I need my salary. I think part of the key has to be learning to delegate. I have people in place and I don’t need to take care of everyone at RIE all by myself. I also need to learn to delegate at home and hold the kids responsible for cleaning up after themselves.

The last thing I really need to do is to not feel selfish when I take time for myself. It is okay that I’m spending a weekend in RI just for me. It’s okay I had yesterday and today for myself. It is really hard for me to say and believe those things.

Where I’m At: It was another day of gadzillion meetings. I feel like all I do is meet with people and it never seems as if there is time to actually work. Seano went to King’s Island today so Cam and I had the house to ourselves. We didn’t do a whole lot as the doggos go insane when no one is home. I need to figure out how to get the house clean so I can have people in to work on it.

Weather: It was a beautiful day out

Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 99%

Sunrise / Sunset: 6;20/8:44


I’m grateful that Sean got to King’s Island safely
I’m grateful for the walk with the dogs
I’m grateful for the good meeting with the team
I’m grateful that Bob sat in on my meeting with the team
I’m grateful for the good discussion around process

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