Tarot Neocolonial de las Américas: High Priestess

When I realized that I would be spending a significant amount of time in Rhode Island, I began looking for a deck that reflected the spirit of the state. My go to deck for California is the Gaian Tarot and I wanted something that fit Rhode Island as well as that deck fits California. I spent a lot of time searching for the perfect deck. I even expanded my deck to all of New England and still nothing. I searched for Salem decks and nothing.

It was only that Yemaya started calling to me in Rhode Island that I realized that New England is all about colonialism. It was in Massachusetts that the Wampanoag people met the pilgrims and then were decimated. And Rhode Island had the largest slave trade in the colonies at one point in time. It began coming into focus for me that I wasn’t going to find a pretty little deck of oceans and trees to represent Rhode Island, I was going to find a hard core deck that was going to take me to places that hurt.

I’m choosing to read with this deck for July 2023 as I’m realizing that I can’t celebrate the 4th of July anymore. It is no longer about patriotism for me as I realize that our founding fathers were fighting for freedom for white men while enslaving others. I’m also seeing the giant step back that our country is taking by taking away abortion rights and threatening LGBT rights.

First Impressions: I love this card with the skull beneath her feet and the shells in her ears. She appears to be an African woman based on the head dress.

Guidance: Put down your devices and look within yourself for the answers you’ve been seeking.


This is hard for me because I really know what the answer is. I really want to leave my job and pursue something that speaks to my soul instead of just my pocketbook, but that’s hard because I have so much debt to get out of . I want to pay off the house and I need to get out from under my credit card debt but I don’t know how to do that.

As I listen to my heart and to my guides they are telling me to take small steps. I don’t need to do anything crazy like quit my job. I first have to start with those small and regular acts of devotion. I need to connect with my Goddesses on a regular basis, to listen, and to see where it takes me. Today as I was sprinkling rose petals around Our Lady of the Woodlands, she whispered spider to me. I don’t know exactly what that means, but I am going to start looking for spiders in my life and see where it takes me.

I also need to quit spending so that I can actually pay off my house and move on. I have made progress on paying off my house. I still have a long way to go but I’ve made progress.

Where I’m At: It was an interesting day at work today as I had my meeting with one of my folks who is a real go getter and who just does what needs to be done. And another meeting with someone who needs their hand held. I’m struggling with finding the bandwidth to hold someone’s hand.

I also had my meeting with the Electric Ops team and I love working with that team. They are always positive and helpful and appreciative.

Weather: It was hazy, but not horrible today. It wasn’t hot.

Moon Phase: Waning Crescent 25%

Sunrise / Sunset: 6:01 / 9:02


I myself grateful for Stephanie and the great job she is doing
I’m grateful for P. and his guidance on “the godfather”
I’m grateful for the Electric Ops guys
I’m grateful for saying no to cooking dinner
I’m grateful for sitting outside

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