Child of Air (Reversed)

Child of Air
Gaian Tarot

First Impressions:  This card has such a sense of innocence about it as the girl is surrounded by butterflies as she stands in the clouds.  One of the things I did not notice until just now is that the butterflies are in the shape of an S.  As I drew this card reversed, it tells me that I am tuned out.

Book:  Afraid to explore new ideas or make changes because of critical voices, banish negative thoughts


Not being attuned to the messages around me.  Not being in communication with the universe.  Since this card is reversed, it could also symbolize the heavy weight of grief weighing me down again.  There are days I feel as if I am just mired in grief.

This is another card that is telling me that I need to heal and move on, but the question is how do I heal and move on as I have done so much healing work.  However, I feel this is the final push through the grief and letting go.  I need to make one last push to let go of it all.

December 29, 2017

Wow!  This was profound as I really feel as if Tarot has been the final spiritual practice that has pushed me to grow and let go of all the garbage.  What Tarot does for me is that it engages both my intuition and my logic.  Reading the meanings is about logic, but because the readings engage my brain, they free up my intuition to make their own connections.  I also think that actually having a daily practice where I’ve committed to pulling a card and journaling every single day helps.  I know that I will put myself out there day after day.

I’ve also come to accept that there are always going to be days where I feel stuck, sad, grief-stricken, etc.  However, I can choose to acknowledge those feelings and use logic if they aren’t rooted in logic to help me move past those feelings.  I also need to make up my decisions with real world actions and I’ve been starting to do that more and more.  I really really wanted to go to Chicago for my birthday, but I knew that would mean meeting X for lunch and having a reading and those things would have drug me right back into my obsession.  Deliberately choosing not to go to Chicago meant I got to keep my distance.  Although, I still miss the food as Mexican food really sucks in the CLE.

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